Friday 3 February 2017

Task 2 Creating Story for Games - Game Story Development Log

Task 2 – Creating Story for Games – Game Story Development Log

Weekly Blog

Week 1

I have bullet-pointed 3 ideas 

3 Ideas

Time travel:

Protagonist goes back in time

Machine breaks but he has to life his life again

Can fix all the wrong he has done and save the life of his friends and family

Space Western:

Protagonist is the foreigner

They attack his town



Protagonist is the first person to appear

Finds girl

Everyone is trying to kill the girl for some reason. 

Idea number 3 is the best one in my opinion because it's easier to create a better story and characters for the film. 

I can have images like these ones to help while I write the story and the environment

Week 2

The main history will start in 2100-2113 but it will take part in 2213. As mentioned some events will start before the main story. 

Specific "Alien" race is exterminated 

Survivor knows the secrets and plans of bad guy

Goes to earth in need of help of an ancient order that use to help them before being exterminated 

Bad guy and his men both outlaws and corrupt police go for her

Has accident, they think she dies

Other protagonist saves her from death

Helps her

They go to the order but the order its exterminated when they get to there

Get information and plan something

While there a survivor appears as he was in a journey when the order got killed 

They start realising that what is happening is way worst than what they thought 

Week 3 

Game of Thrones has inspired me, both Books and the TV Series. How language is used and how George R. R. Martin structured everything. 

Narrative Flow

Top Down Shooter/Adventure

Linear Story 

Forms of Scores, collectables, Easter eggs 



This story is going to be for "Star Citizen", because they want to create a game. 

What is IP? 

Intangible property that is the result of creativity, such as patents, copyrights, etc.

What examples can you find? 

Mario is an example, is the intellectual property of Nintendo and only Nintendo can use it unless it gives permission. 

Target Audience

A particular group that is being aimed. (Game creators aim at them so the game can be popular and to make sure it sells well 

My ideal Target Audience:

It would be focused more on Males but Female audience is also aimed at. 

Male: 60-65%

Female: 30-35% 

Age to target will be between 15 and 40/50 

Genres that will be similar are RPG AND JRPG 


Action, "Vengeance", Adventure. 


The setting start as a church and then will go from a "Portal" to different levels in Hell. 

Plot Devices:

Deus Ex Machina
The term deus ex machina is used to refer to a narrative ending in which an improbable event is used to resolve all problematic situations and bring the story to a (generally happy) conclusion.

Eg. In Homer's The Odyssey, after Odysseus and Telemachus slaughter the suitors, the families of the suitors show up at the farm of Laertes seeking vengeance. As a battle is about to begin, Athena appears in the last few lines of the poem and tells both parties to stop, to which they comply.

Shoulder Angel 
A plot device used for either dramatic or humorous effect in animation and comic strips (and occasionally in live-action television). 

Eg. Pirates of the Caribbean represents the Shoulder Angel/Demon with a Good/Bad Jack.  

The MacGuffin
A plot device wherein a character pursues an object, though the object's actual nature is not important to the story. Another object would work just as well if the characters treated it with the same importance.

Eg. The Diablo series is loaded with this trope, almost every quest has you off finding a MacGuffin needed to complete a side-quest or to move the plot forward.

Character Design 

Sister Mary: 

Sent by God hundreds of years ago, only to complete a mission, fight the demons that threat the earth. 

Has been blessed by God and has numerous "powers". 

Immortality (Only to Natural cause of death) & Always Young. 

"23" years old as she doesn't age. 

Socially awkward and not liked at all by the other nuns.

Likes to spend time on her own. Prays to God and does Crochet. 

Helps society to change to better.  

Monk Maha: 

Martial Art master.

Prevents any demon attack and is part of the A.A.S. 

He uses Buddhist Prayer Beads and a Staff 

Mary so far has no backstory, that was my choice. This is because it creates interest and this is a good attraction.
The lack of a background can be used to create the attraction I have mentioned, it lets the player create the past and it is a kind of interactive thinking.   

Narrative Flow 
This is the most common form of narration, all the events occurred are portrayed in a chronological order. Pokemon is an example, the game are portrayed in a chronological order (They are not linked, the linear here means that they are story-based and the story occurs chronologically).

Full motion video is used to tell the story, in some cases is only used to portray a mission or some kind of flash back that goes along the story. Cut-scene do relate to FMV but instead of telling the story its like an add on. We know what happens in the story but they use this to help us understand. 

Non-linear stories use a branching structure, there is a beginning and then you are given several options, the options lead to new choices which lead to other choices and this can go on forever unless there is an end. When we talk about non-linear we see that the story is portrayed without a chronological order, it does not matter if it is anyway. Non-linear may give you choices but the end is the same and other cases have a changing end that varies depending your choices. 

Industry Practice 
My story has gone well overall, I honestly think it could have been better, it can be confusing but this is what I really wanted. I want the story to confuse the reader and make them think about what is going on.  
The aspect of character development was not to bad, its not the most original but all the characters have something especial. 
Some characters are really "plain", this is because they are portraits of existing Biblical characters. 
The structure is somewhat strange but seems to work how I wanted it.   

2000 word Extract 

As God contemplated how the First Hierarchy of Demons temped humanity to start a rebellion against Heaven, an unpredictable event has about to happen.
No one really knows the exact date, about 200-300 years ago; a young girl had a really strong resemblance to Virgin Mary and it was known for her benevolence, her name was Marytrya.
A small, old and unknown Church started having contact with her; they discovered that her Faith was something unnatural and that she even had committed miracles in the past, they wanted simple conversations, wanted to know about her. Being and kind and innocent as she was, she revealed her secret. Marytrya only knew that her “mission” was to bring order to Earth and to “fight” against the Princes of Hell.
The church was astonished and wanted to meet her in person, they decided to meet in their sanctuaries. Left to die after being tortured an Angel appeared and told her.
We had no way of contacting you that Church was in reality Berith’s hideaway and that the men were tempted to kill you. God has a message, please close your eyes and let me guide you.

22 March, 1978
Plagues are affecting people worldwide and are making them mutate. That is what the government has told the population but in reality demons approach to conquer Earth and Heaven.
God has had enough, the only way he can stop this misery is recruiting a number of people that are able to fight demons.
Marytrya finally opens her eyes, knowing every bit of history that happened she stands up and looks to her left. A small group discussed as she moved towards it, she noticed that two of the 6 chairs did not have an “owner”, a monk approached to her and asked her in a polite way if she wanted to occupy on the chairs as she will be part of the group. They all introduced themselves to Marytrya and mentioned that Merihem was the responsible of the plagues and the Princes of Hell were behind this. The small group had a mission and that mission was to stop all the Princes of Hell.
They gave her a small bag with three weapons, two twin guns that had Love and Faith as names and small blue knife. After knowing what was needed to do they left and divided in three groups.
Marytrya and the monk paired up and connected pretty well with each other. Renshi and Marytrya wanted to know how is Buddhism related to Christianism and why are they fighting demons together. The answer was simple, everything was connected they was only one God that had many representations.
After hours of walking, many stories were told and they realised they had a similar past, they asked themselves if the other people in the group had been tricked by the Princes of Hell and killed in their past lives. They also wanted to know why the Princes choose this moment to attack and why god never spoke to them himself.
Years past by and the only remaining people was Marytrya and Renshi, the group fell apart throughout the years. They had accomplished nothing; this meant that humanity had no hope.
After camping in a small forest, they found a man that had serious wound across his entire body, but they did not know they saved the Ruler of Hell. After being saved Lucifer showed them that all of the Princes of Hell were killed and even God himself had died years ago. Heaven was ruled by crazed Angels who wanted absolute power and every demon was controlled by them.
He explained every little detail he knew about the situation and how the reality they knew was fake. Everything they once knew was fake, and that every ally they had died believing in a hopeless future.
They wanted everything to end; they wanted everything as it once was. Princes of Hell redeemed themselves in a way, to serve and punish the impure and humanity’s threats.
Nothing of this made the Princes good creatures, they were Fallen Angels after all, but they knew their “place” and they were not able to contest against Heaven.
Everything changed and the only desire they had was to save humanity, heaven and hell. Along Lucifer they started their story and what we knew as good and bad, that had swapped places.  

As they entered Hell, Lucifer contemplated every change that had happened to the portal of transportation. Lucifer said, “This used to be as cold as ice, even a pacific entrance but, but now this place is totally different.
All the souls exiled in the past roamed with aggressiveness forming a hurricane of desperation. Pieces of what was an antique floor, floated around with gentleness, they had to surpass that hurricane by using the floating floor.
Everything seemed to be going as planned, tension could be felt in the air as they slowly made their way. An enormous feeling of anxiety attacked Lucifer, he knew someone was there and spoke to him in an unknown languages. It was Andrealphus, a dangerous fallen angel known to transform humans into birds. Lucifer was scared; he was injured and unable to use his full potential.
They fought for hours, Lucifer had lost a lot of blood and Renshi had lost an arm. Marytrya was the only who was able to fight but no one had even seen her fight someone that strong, they weren’t sure of what was going to happen. Marytrya started running but everything seemed really slow, as she pulled her pistols Secret Love and Secret Faith Andrealphus rapidly tried to attack her but she dodged every attack and with 2 shots she killed the Fallen Angel. Everything stopped and all the mixed feeling and the anguish of the souls around disappeared, it is like Andrealphus had the control of that place. But with him gone the “peace” was restored.
Renshi used and old praying and with the help of Lucifer and Marytrya he was able to restore his arm.
But their path was not finished yet, something terrible awaited them. 

Days passed and they did not encounter anything or anyone. They could sense presences but they were not sure if it was simple Imps or Fallen Angels.

It started getting colder, what looked like a bay had a boatman writing. They slowly walked to him and they started a conversation. That boatman was not demon or fallen angel, it was just a the spirit of the bay and the one who controls the travelling.
He said to them, Forneus rules this waters and with his permission the travelling will be successful.

Forneus was one of the many Fallen Angels who showed loyalty to Satan but that will not help them as he had only one job and is to be the guardian of that bay. His approval will be given by accomplishing a strength "task" and intelligence "task" and a mental strength "task". They had prepared something similar, they knew their tasks, Satan will accomplish the mental strength, Renshi the strength and Marytrya the Intelligence task.

Satan would have to overcome fears, it was easy for him as he had non.

Renshi would have to prove his strength by lifting Forneus sword and being able to transport his shield.

Marytrya would have to learn the demonic language in the 4 hours given.

And so they did, it was no task for them and they were able to cross the lake but Forenus warned them because in the other side, the real danger waited. 

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